The reserves have no camps in them and are only for the animals although people do visit. There are no permanent structures. The camps are on leased concessions that gives them the right to operate camps
either for photography or hunting depending on the kind of concession lisence they have. Lagoon has a hunting concession and keeps it active although they have decided only to do photography game drives/safaris. They have the largest in Botswana at a half a million hectares,

After a 30 minute flight I am at Lagoon, right on the Namibian border in the north of Botswana. It is right on the narrow little arm of Namibia that sticks into the centre of Africa the result of colonial power

The camp is quite different from Shinde, not as new, but with its own air. It is right on a large river with Na

Here are 2

At 4 pm, we go out on a game drive, and head north also looking for the wild dogs. They are on the endangered list and are under siege by the increasing and healthy lion population. The lions do not directly kill the dogs. Lions are opportunists and whenever they become aware of a dog pack with a kill, they steal the kill from them and eventually the dogs will starve. There is also a larger pack of 18 moving in from Namibia and they compete fiercely with the local pack of only 12.

The game drive is more relaxed for me now as I already saw a lot at Shinde and there is more time and pleasure in just viewing rather than felling the compulsion to shoot each one with my Pentax. Some new species I see here are ostriches, the banded mongoose, wilde beest or gnus of the great migration and crossing the croc infested river fame, the African jacana, the bird that walks on lily pads, guinea fowl, an eagle hawk, a fish eagle and a number of other birds.

On the morning drive, I see 6 hippos and a baby coming out of the water to go to a deeper channel. They only do that because of the baby and the fact that we make them nervous. It is an unusual occurrence. At another point, we are driving along, turn a corner on the track and come face to face with a male elephant. He eventually turns off and goes into the bush. We see dozens of impala, to the po

The topograph

As darkness falls, it get very cool and I am grateful that I shoved a fleecy into my backpack. We end up doing

The German couple, Michael and Barbara, are pleasant and good company. We share the drives. We have pleasant meals sharing lots of good discussion on many things together with the guides and manager. We are all heading to Kasane, on the Zambian border in the east to go to see Victoria Falls at Livingstone t

This morning I found proof that the hippos do come up and wander around the tents at night. I thought I heard one come up and do the tail whipping up and spreading his dung to mark his territory during the night. In the morning, I saw that I was right. There is dung sprayed all across the path about 40 feet from my tent. At Shinde and here, a certain type of bird hangs around to take advantage of the food being out in the dining area. A dozen or more sneak right on to the plates and even go under the netting that is placed over the food to protect it from the birds and flies. They ar
e utterly brazen until the manager takes some food for them and throws it down the gully below to distract them.
On the game drives, which are usually about four hours long, we always stop for a snack and something to drink. In the evenings, it is almost in the tradition of the English tea with some snacks and drinks for those who wish them. At the beginning of dusk, a little table is set up, a tablecloth put on it and things set out. On the drive last night, we stopped in a nice area near a large tree
growing out of a very high termite mound. A young bull elephant was fairly nearby and did not seem to like us much. He circled around us and disappeared quite a distance a way behind the tree and mound. He snuck up behind the mound and suddenly the guide ordered us to get in the jeep and quick. He was seriously concerned that the elephant might charge. He eventually left because as it was explained, once we were in the jeep, all that the elephant could then smell was the gasoline and the rubber and it lost interest in us. It was a memorable adrenaline m
There are specific night game drives offered, but I don’t really get the attraction even though lions and hyenas are largely nocturnal. I spent about a total a total of three hours on night drives and almost the most interesting thing to watch is the tracker sitting on the special seat on the left of the hood, swinging his powerful light from side to side in a sweeping motion to find interesting animals. I did catch a glimpse of an African hare and a few moments of a porcupine
which was running ahead of us on the trail and like the dull North American porcupine, didn’t have enough brains to got off the track to keep from running for his life until he had run at least a kilometer. He probably knew the guides would never hurt him.
One bit of flora interest that we saw was a baobob tree that was alleged to be 1100 -1200 years old. It was just massive. If you could cut the tree down and make a platform of the trunk, you would be able to build a house on it. Later, I saw several in Zambia and although the
y were not a large as the one seen while I was at Lagoon camp, they were very formidable. They were alleged to be over 100 years old. I found out that the massive trunks store lots of water for hard times. However, they do not have growth rings the way most trees do and so their age is very difficult to determine with any accuracy.

On the game drives, which are usually about four hours long, we always stop for a snack and something to drink. In the evenings, it is almost in the tradition of the English tea with some snacks and drinks for those who wish them. At the beginning of dusk, a little table is set up, a tablecloth put on it and things set out. On the drive last night, we stopped in a nice area near a large tree

There are specific night game drives offered, but I don’t really get the attraction even though lions and hyenas are largely nocturnal. I spent about a total a total of three hours on night drives and almost the most interesting thing to watch is the tracker sitting on the special seat on the left of the hood, swinging his powerful light from side to side in a sweeping motion to find interesting animals. I did catch a glimpse of an African hare and a few moments of a porcupine

One bit of flora interest that we saw was a baobob tree that was alleged to be 1100 -1200 years old. It was just massive. If you could cut the tree down and make a platform of the trunk, you would be able to build a house on it. Later, I saw several in Zambia and although the

We had four game drives at Lagoon and the last was best. On all four, we were tracking and looking for the wild dogs and the guide had a special interest in them. Lions were also a priority but were never seen although tracks were found. It was the same with the wild dogs. I almost passed up the last drive because my plane was picking me up at 10 am. But we left earlier at 6:10

A little later we saw my first elephant matriarch leading her family of about a dozen of all ages. They were on the other side of a small watering hole from us and had just come from drinking at the river a few hundred yards away. She stood at the water’s edge and made like she was drinking. The guide explained that she was just pretending so that we would relax and she would catch us off guard. Eventu

I say good bye to everyone and head off to Zambia
sounds amazing, Adriaan