Today, after all the preparation, is the beginning of the adventure. I will be travelling for about 36 hours. I've never done that long a journey before and I am sure I will look lovely and feel just great at the end of it all.
I take off from Vancouver Airport at 6 pm today and fly non- stop to London. With the eight or nine hour time difference, I get there late tomorrow morning. I will have a six hour layover, enough time to get a shower, (I am told there are facilities in the airport) and to get some exercise and a meal. Should I go traditional and have Bangers and Mash?
Big Ben (above right) will chime to greet me, no doubt.

Then at 6 pm on Wednesday, I get set for another long flight to Johannesburg,
arriving after some eleven and three quarters hours. The most relevant

Then at 6 pm on Wednesday, I get set for another long flight to Johannesburg,
arriving after some eleven and three quarters hours. The most relevant
picture of Johannesburg, I thought, was of Mandela Square on the left
Then after a shorter wait, I fly to Gaborone ( see what is labelled the Main Mall on the right) for a day or two of training and some raising of 

cultural awareness. On Sunday, I will go to Maun and hopefully start the volunteer opportunity.
I don't know if I will be able to have access to the Internet along the way, but will post as I can.
Talk soon!
You arrived nice and fresh, no doubt!